Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Reed went through a "shooting pictures with cool cameras" phase. i think he's still going through it. He picked up quite a arsenal of old cameras over the years, some of which i was jealous of.

In 2007 we went on our 2nd New Zealand trip together for Red Bull's Human Trailers. It was called Human Trailers because we lugged ourselves around the entire country in 2 weeks and never stopped. It was the ultimate road trip. There were a lot emotions on that trip...a very transitional time for all of us. We didn't really get a lot of riding done, but we definitely worked out some personal issues.

This SHOOT THE SHOOTER took place in the Auckland Airport when we were picking up Danny Hampson. It was a really weird day. We sat around the hotel mischievous....and were talked into trying these crazy over the counter "herbal ecstasy" pills called Dark Angels. They were sold right there on the counter next to the tylenol. It was horrible. It felt like we drank entirely too much 4 pots. We were up for 12 hours straight and had to pick up Danny in the middle of it all. I remember him looking at us like we were crazy. Uhhhhhh, it just wouldn't stop. So, what did Reed do at midnight...took another one. I woke the next morning to him standing over my bed, sweating and biting his lip.

Here's some other standout images from the road trip. This is somewhere on the South Island...getting lost with nowhere to be.

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