Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Me and my friend "Bone" have this debate about what to call the one and only Mr. Scott Byerly. I know it sounds silly and simple. His name is Scott, but he's no ordinary Scott. Everyone has a friend named Scott. "Scott" was that kid that was always picked last to play basketball. Bone always says.." So me and Scott were...." And then i interrupt and say "Scott who?" He looks at me like i'm stupid and says "Byerly". But my point is...if your addressing the Pope, you don't call him John. Anyways, it doesn't really him what you will.

Here's me and The Legend back in 2006 making some magic on an old desert highway.

Not sure who took the photo of me, but thank you. I may have been Justin Stephens.

Me and my friend "Bone" have this debate about what to call the one

1 comment:

Art VanDelay said...

maybe scott should be called the pope, or some sort of wakeskating equivalent.